(Aligned with AS 4970-2009)
DBH calculator
Use the calculator below to determine the Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of a multi-stemmed tree.
Use the red boxes to input the measurements, always in metres e.g. 65 cm calliper – input: ‘ 0.65 ‘
The result is displayed in the green box. If there are more than 5 stems enter the total from the first 5 back into a red box and continue.
Tree Protection Zones – TPZ / SRZ calculator
Enter the relevant figures (in metres) in the red boxes below to calculate the dimensions of a
Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) or Structural Root Zone (SRZ).
The result is a measurement of the radius (R) of a circle taken from the centre of the trunk.
Incursion into the TPZ
For complex situations there is a great encroachment calculator here: PROOFSAFE TPZ CALCULATOR
Enter the TPZ radius and the applicable distances in the red boxes to calculate the degree of incursion into a TPZ. All figures should be entered in metres.
The first image is for situations where an incursion does not cut entirely across a TPZ.
Below are the TPZ, SRZ and incursion calculators in a simplified layout
These calculators are based on the Australian Standard AS4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites. They are used by people planning and working around trees, particularly arborists preparing Arborist reports.
Once you have measurements you can use these tools to calculate the Tree Protection Zone (TPZ) or Structural Root Zone (SRZ) of a given tree, additionally you can determine the degree of TPZ encroachment for a given set of plans. This information is normally provided by a consulting arborist in an arboricultural report (tree report). These figures help to guide planning departments, architects and others on how far from a given tree works should be kept. Within AS 4970-2009 it states that an encroachment of any more than 10% of the calculated TPZ is considered a ‘major encroachment’ and certain conditions should apply. A major incursion may trigger the following requirements to protect the tree:
- for root mapping
- design revisions
- low impact construction methods
- work supervision
It is recommended that a consulting arborist be engaged very early in the planning process to help determine which trees, on or near a site, are of higher retention value. Treetec provides arborist reports in Melbourne and surrounding areas.
Once high value trees are identified subsequent planning can incorporate tree protection, this can save delays and re-working of designs. If a tree is identified by the arborist as being of high retention value, however it is planned to be removed, then that removal application and permit process can commence early, saving on delays and further costs.
Designing around trees should be done in consultation with an arborist. Where it is not possible to restrict all works from within a calculated TPZ there are tree sensitive construction methods and materials that can help. Tree sensitive design can facilitate some TPZ encroachment and protect the longer term viability of the tree.
AS 4970-2009 considers both above and below ground tree components, whilst it is imperative that roots are protected it is also important that any pruning of the canopy is appropriate. Pruning should be undertaken by a suitably qualified arborist in line with the Australian Standard on the Pruning of Amenity Trees (AS 4373-2007). Tree lopping causes unnecessary and permanent damage.
- Standards Australia. 2009, AS 4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites.
- Standards Australia. 2007, AS 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees.