Arboriculture and Ecology

Arborist Melbourne

Treetec provides arborist reports for council planning applications across Melbourne and Victoria.

Trees can help or hinder development, they greatly increase the value of a property however they can lead to council placing restrictions on the size or scale of development in order to protect higher value trees. An arborist should be engaged early in the planning process to survey the trees and identify higher value vegetation. The Arborist will be able to advise on which trees are likely to require protection and what type of development may be possible.

Council will often require an arborist report detailing the trees on site and any likely adverse impacts on those trees.  If higher value trees are likely to be damaged as a result of the development Council may require amendments, this may result in delays and additional costs.  To avoid these issues planning should consider tree values and development impacts early in the process.

Some Melbourne councils will approve plans with the condition that a  ‘Tree Management Plan’ (TMP, TPMP) is prepared and followed.  A TMP prepared by an arborist will define how the works are to proceed to ensure tree damage is minimised during the development process.

Tree risk assessments

Risk assessments and arborist reports in Melbourne and Victoria. Assessing individual trees or tree populations to identify higher risk trees and providing recommendations for management of tree related risk.  Clients include private home owners,  local government  authorities (public open spaces), schools, camping areas and other managers of tree populations.

Tree risk is assessed using the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Tree Risk Assessment method, recommendations are focussed on preserving tree related amenity whilst minimising risk.

Large scale tree surveys

GPS / GIS mapping and broad scale tree inventory reports. Reports are supplied with all digital files / shapefiles etc.

Elm Leaf Beetle treatment

Treatment and control for Elm Leaf Beetle as well as consulting and solutions for selected plant health issues including Cypress dieback.

Elm Leaf Beetle can be managed via a range of methods, Treetec primarily undertake stem injection treatments, this offers the most targeted approach using the least amount of chemical, it does however result in small wounds around the base of the tree.  See the Elm Beetle notes for more detail.

Canopy Access – climbing, chainsaw hollows, hardware placement, research & training

Treetec are leaders in the field of canopy access for scientific research, currently working with a number of universities, DELWP, ARI and Councils.

Each project is unique, we can assist with planning, logistics, costing, document preparation, data collection, reporting and Workplace Health and Safety Compliance.

Chainsaw courses and training

Chainsaw training courses in the Melbourne / Victoria area. Courses for individual students or groups and companies. Also specialised arboricultural related training in the Canopy Access and Hazard Tree fields.



Net Gain Assessments

Where developments are going to impact indigenous, remnant vegetation a Treetec report will detail the quantity and quality of vegetation that will be impacted and, in consultation with the client, a guide on harm minimisation tactics and compliance management.

Reports are prepared to DELWP specifications.

Vegetation Offset Management Plans (VOMP)

A Treetec VOMP will be compliant with DSE specifications and will set out how the manager is to avoid, minimise and offset the loss of native vegetation. The Vegetation Offset Management Plan will be prepared in consultation with the client.

Provides the client with a workable solution or map to managing vegetation related compliance issues.

Property Management Plans

Often required by planning and councils, a property management plan sets out an agreement between the manager and planning authority on tree and vegetation related requirements at a development site.

Fauna and Flora Surveys

A survey provides initial understanding of the ecological / biological diversity of a site. Surveys taken over time in different seasons, in conjunction with a literature review, will build up a broader picture of the extent and value of flora and fauna at a given site.

Treetec can provide a zoological assessment as required prior to development or tree removal.

Treetec works closely with ProofSafe, an Australian software company to develop field based data collection solutions.


What is an arborist report?

An arborist report is a document detailing the location, status, dimensions and value of a tree or trees.  Primarily arborist reports are used for Council planning submissions and to manage tree related risk.

Planning tree reports are provided to Council to assist the Planning department assess whether a tree should be retained and protected or if the value to the local environment is not high enough to warrant tree protection requirements.

An arborist tree risk report will look at individual trees or tree populations from a risk perspective with the aim of identifying higher risk trees and providing recommendations for managing that risk.

Why do I need an arborist report?

For planning purposes an arborist report informs Council planners. The Council Request For Information (RFI) will stipulate that all trees that may be impacted are assessed and included in the tree report.  Reports should be objective providing unbiased information, if a report is written to favour development this may trigger closer scrutiny from Council and delays in the planning approvals process.

There exists an unfortunate conflict of interest in this situation where the developer / owner is required to commission and pay for an arborist report, however reports should be an objective assessment regardless of whether this may hinder the development plans.

How much is a tree report or arborist report?

The price depends on the number of trees, at Treetec we charge a base price plus a per-tree component and possibly travel if there is a lot of driving.  Costs may start around $300 for an inspection and summary document, most standard reports are closer to $500 – $600.  Treetec pricing is mid range, you will find quotes higher and lower than ours however we believe we provide excellent value and quality.

Can I choose what information is included in an arborists report

You can specify what you want included or excluded from a report, however it is important that this doesn’t somehow mislead the reader or undermine the purpose of the report.  Reports will include specific ‘limitations’ stating the exact scope of works prescribed by the client.

How long does it take to get the finished tree assessment report

Tree reports for standard suburban / city development sites are normally provided within 14 – 21 days, if there is some urgency speak to the arborist or office about fast-tracking the job.

Who owns the document, can I edit the tree report to suit the reader

The client pays for and therefore owns the document however it can’t be edited or presented selectively.  The report must be maintained intact.

Melbourne Arborist