Projects: Contracts, Grants, Partnerships, Collaborations & Media


Victorian State Government: Department of Energy, Environment & Climate Action DEECA (formerly DELWP) – flora and fauna surveys – including remote camera survey, fauna photo tagging, spotlighting and call playback, Elliot trapping, thermal imaging, flora surveys.

Crimson Rosella inspecting a Treetec Tec-Door style chainsaw cut wildlife hollow for a new home.
Crimson Rosella inspecting a Treetec Tec-Door style chainsaw cut wildlife hollow for a new home.

Parks Victoria – terrestrial predator camera trap surveys; nest box installation

Arthur Rylah Institute – cavity/hollow creation; nest box installation and survey

Whitehorse City Council – Treetec project: Whitehorse cavity/hollow installations

WSP and the Echuca-Moama Bridge Project  – cavity, nest box and log box installations and monitoring

Zoos Victoria – nest box installation and monitoring


Australian Government – Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) : Bushfire recovery for wildlife and their habitat. Treetec Project: Introduced hollows for priority species impacted by wildfire in East Gippsland.

Banyule City Council. Treetec Project: Introduced Wildlife Hollows in Rosanna Parklands.


Habitech – Treetec Modular Nestbox – Authorised Installer.


Whitehorse chainsaw wildlife hollows project. Volunteers helping to monitor new wildlife residents.
Whitehorse chainsaw wildlife hollows project. Volunteers helping to monitor new wildlife residents.

Friends of Wildlife Reserves Inc. Treetec Project: Introduced Wildlife Hollows in Rosanna Parklands.


Featured on Gardening Australia – Introduced chainsaw hollows in Darebin Parklands.

Melbourne Arborist