Victorian State Government: Department of Energy, Environment & Climate Action DEECA (formerly DELWP) – flora and fauna surveys – including remote camera survey, fauna photo tagging, spotlighting and call playback, Elliot trapping, thermal imaging, flora surveys.

Parks Victoria – terrestrial predator camera trap surveys; nest box installation
Arthur Rylah Institute – cavity/hollow creation; nest box installation and survey
Whitehorse City Council – Treetec project: Whitehorse cavity/hollow installations
WSP and the Echuca-Moama Bridge Project – cavity, nest box and log box installations and monitoring
Zoos Victoria – nest box installation and monitoring
Australian Government – Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) : Bushfire recovery for wildlife and their habitat. Treetec Project: Introduced hollows for priority species impacted by wildfire in East Gippsland.
Banyule City Council. Treetec Project: Introduced Wildlife Hollows in Rosanna Parklands.
Habitech – Treetec Modular Nestbox – Authorised Installer.

Friends of Wildlife Reserves Inc. Treetec Project: Introduced Wildlife Hollows in Rosanna Parklands.
Featured on Gardening Australia – Introduced chainsaw hollows in Darebin Parklands.