Treetec preparing for wildlife nest box installation on private land.
Have you decided that you want to put up some homes for wildlife to come and live on your property? Did you wonder what type … Continue Reading ››
Did you know that Powerful Owls are named so because of their incredible size and strength. They can fly at up to 60 km/h and have been known to attack prey up to 3 times their own weight! This near threatened species typically nest in very large tree hollows and will … Continue Reading ››
Treetec arborist at Gresswell Forest NCR habitat enhancement Project. 50 Wildlife chainsaw hollows were carved into live trees for instant wildlife homes.
Another … Continue Reading ››
Introduced wildlife hollow using a faceplate on a dead tree with front facing entry hole. Chainsaw carved cavity by Treetec arborists.
The Treetec arboricultural … Continue Reading ››
Treetec designed Tec-Door with Tec-Spout. Arborists use chainsaws to create a narrow introduced wildlife hollow with Tec-Door entry plate on rough … Continue Reading ››
Treetec arborist safely in canopy and using Hollowhog tool to modify a dead branch to become an introduced wildlife hollow.
There … Continue Reading ››