Another follow up from our wildlife cameras that have been monitoring Treetec’s habitat creation works in Whitehorse.
In early 2020 our Treetec arborists and ecologists installed 148 artificial chainsaw hollows in urban parks throughout the City of Whitehorse. Look who is inspecting this chainsaw natural hollow modification that was expanded in size to be an immediate and useful wildlife hollow home. The larger hollow creation is designed to suit some very large tenants…… maybe this visiting pair of Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoos?
While just visiting for now we may not find out who eventually secures this home until late winter or spring when our wildlife breeding hits its peak time of year.
By the sound of the call the pair seem pretty happy with their new wildlife hollow inspection, but will it become the home they choose? Can’t wait to find out if it becomes a long term nesting and breeding site for this beautiful pair.